Digital non Abstracts
in a variety of subjects
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The River Flows
Digital geometric drawing representing a river flowing from a mountainous landscape past fir trees and a crescent moon shines in a dark night sky.
The Dragon Rupture
Abstract digital geometrical drawing representing a crack or rupture in the semblance of a Dragon appearing in the darkness of the cosmos through which light begins to appear.
Abstract digital geometrical drawing representing an avalanche of various rock types and melted snow from snow capped mountains turning into a river occurring at night.
Abstract digital geometrical drawing representing a landscape of motorways, roads and roundabouts.
Abstract digital geometrical drawing representing the planet Mars glowing red and the moon shining over a rocky landscape beyond dwellings located close to a meandering river.
Sunlight over Waterfall
Abstract digital geometrical drawing representing sunlight shining its rays above a waterfall flowing over a rocky, boulder filled landscape.
Strolling Giraffes
Abstract digital geometrical drawing representing gases a heard of Giraffes strolling across a grassy plain.
Vaso con Fiori
Abstract digital geometrical drawing representing a blue ceramic vase containing a selection of flowers and leaves.
Skiing Robins
Abstract digital geometrical drawing representing a pair of Robins trying out their new skiing skills on snowy slopes.
Abstract digital geometrical drawing representing a landslide of rocks, earth and polluted liquid occurring at night beyond a silhouetted cityscape.
Sunset on Landscape
Abstract digital geometrical drawing representing a sunset resting on distant hills and a greening landscape.
Night Air Pollution
Abstract digital geometrical drawing representing gases and molecules of air pollution released from air conditioners and vents of buildings at night.
Abstract digital drawing giving a semblance of a large African Elephant.
Tessellated Landscape
Abstract digital geometrical drawing representing a grassy rocky landscape where some of the mountain peaks have become tessellated in shape due to weather erosion.
Mountain Lakes
Glass paint on 2mm sheet glass abstract painting representing in colour the various emotions felt while hearing the rhythm, melody, harmony, tempo, instrumentation and texture of the music that you enjoy.
Abstract digital geometrical drawing representing a person riding on some kind of motor vehicle which is beginning to rise through the air due to its high velocity of travel. 40H X 60W cms £30 signed print.
Diving Cetacean
Abstract digital geometrical drawing giving a semblance of a large baleen filtering cetacean diving before ascending to the ocean surface to capture its prey.
Drunk on pavement at night
Abstract digital geometrical drawing representing a person gazing at the moon above the distant mountains, while leaning on their elbow on a roadside pavement after falling down due to having drunk too much alcohol.
Balloons at night
Abstract digital geometrical drawing representing a selection of various sized and coloured balloons floating above a grassy meadow under a crescent moon in a dark night sky.
Bird at rest
Abstract digital geometrical drawing giving a semblance of a bird resting on the ground with a wing outstretched.
Orbital Relationships
Abstract digital drawing representing the orbits of different people’s lives and how they overlap and interact with others life’s orbits.
Stilted Dwellings
Abstract digital geometrical drawing giving a semblance of dwellings built on wooden stilts in a gassy landscape.
Jockeys Racing
Abstract digital geometrical drawing giving a semblance of jockeys riding in a horse, camel or other animal ridden race.
Owl on Psychedelics
Abstract digital drawing representing an Owl who has eaten a prey that has digested psychedelic mushrooms and is now feeling they their narcotic effects.
Mazzo di Fiori
Abstract digital geometrical drawing representing a bouquet of flowers and leaves.
Paranoid's Dream
Abstract digital drawing representing the feeling of being watched by everyone as described by someone suffering from paranoia.
Abstract digital geometrical drawing giving a semblance of people seated together on a few chairs.
That after party feeling
Abstract digital drawing representing a person who has been partying all night and woke up and feels like his body is distorted and parts are disconnected thus not functioning normally, while the sunlight seems to be incredibly bright to his eyes.
Rhinocerrus Artificio
Abstract digital geometrical drawing giving a semblance of an angry African Rhino.
Acquiring a Disease
Abstract digital drawing representing airborne germs entering through an open window and being inhaled by a person who then contracts the disease which spreads throughout their body making them feel ill.
Feeling Fragmented
Abstract digital drawing representing a person whose loving relationship had ended for some reason and they are now feeling emotionally fragmented.
Sniffing Dog
Abstract digital geometrical drawing giving a semblance of a dog sniffing at something undefined on the ground.
Black Koala investigating sculpture
Abstract modified digital photograph representing the vague outline of a yacht as a mirage in a bright sunny haze where the light is splayed in different colours.
Anteaterio Tubisco
Abstract digital geometrical drawing giving a semblance of a Giant South American Anteater.
Abstract digital geometrical drawing giving a semblance of a kind of feline entity.